Are Eliquids Safe


It's been a while since people have grown aware of the many dangers of smoking tobacco filled cigarettes. While earlier, smoking was considered something to boast of with pride, nowadays, smokers are confined to a small room in most public establishments where they can indulge in this deadly habit. The main reason for this is because smoking is highly injurious to health. And no, I'm not only talking about the health of the smoker, I'm talking about the health of the people around the smoker as well. That's right; cigarettes aren't only harmful for smokers but are harmful for the people around them as well.

This is where e-cigarettes come into the picture. These electronic cigarettes are the latest and best alternative to smoking in the world. Electronic cigarettes are designed in such a way that they resemble a regular cigarette in every way possible. The only difference is that these cigarettes don't contain any of the harmful chemicals found in regular cigarettes like tar, ash, etc. This means that smokers do not have to inhale all those harmful substances while enjoying their nicotine hit.

E-cigarettes contain something called Eliquids which contains nicotine. I know what you must be thinking right now, are e-liquids safe? Let me give you the facts:

1. While regular cigarettes contain harmful carcinogens, e-cigarettes just contain nicotine. I'm not sure what qualifies as harmful but I'm pretty sure anything that doesn't contain carcinogens can be considered less harmful than something that does.

2. Since this e-liquid just contains nicotine, it can do no harm to the people around you as well. Since it doesn't contain any harmful substances you can smoke these cigarettes anywhere you want without worrying about the consequences.

3. Now that you know that e-liquid isn't harmful, let me tell you how e-liquid can help you. Let's say you want to give up smoking. How do you do so? You smoke e-cigarettes of course. How? Did you know that you can change the nicotine content of your e-cigarettes with each new cartridge? This will give you an opportunity to gradually reduce the amount of nicotine which you are inhaling with each breath. Eventually, you will reach a stage where you are just inhaling water vapor and nothing else. You will no longer be addicted to nicotine. Quitting will not be as difficult from that point on.

So what are you waiting for? Now that you know e-cigarettes aren't harmful for you, why don't you switch to them today?